Emmitt Updates

Emmitt’s 2nd Month Update

I can’t believe Emmitt is already 2 months old! We have the sweetest boy! 
*He slept with me in bed the first two months but now (the past three days) has slept in the pack n play. We were worried about the transition because he is such a body sleeper and has to have his head buried in my side but he has done great! He wakes up once in the night to eat/change him and I put him back and he goes right back to sleep. 
(Him burying himself, don’t worry I stare at him the whole time he sleeps, I’m to scared to blink!) 
Sleeping in the pack n play for the first time. (Boppy and blankets were moved after I took the pic) 

*He LOVES tummy time. But when I put him on the hoppy he pushes himself down or tries to flip himself forward.

Here he is after he pushed himself back
I only have video of him kicking himself forward. I’ll post that when I can figure that out 🙂 
*He loves the bath. We take baths together and I just lay him on his back and move him back and forth and he just relaxes and smiles. I love my water baby. 

*Attended his first wedding. Congrats Mr. and Mrs. Woodfield!!

(Asleep of course, we did dance tho)
Matching daddy
*first Valentines Day

*First hike 
*First time going to church
*Said goodbye to Oma
*First temple and meeting TiTi (lex) 
*Working with mommy while daddy is out of town
He loves to stand with our help of balancing him.

*missing daddy when he is gone & our sad faces

I will try and find out how to add videos from my phone. I think their cute, so that’s all that matters 🙂

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